Sunday, July 14, 2019

What is a unicorn? Why is it difficult to find a unicorn dating?

Usually, unicorn used in the community to refer to a bisexual woman or a bi-curious woman interested in meeting other bisexual couples. Described as such due to the rarity of finding said females. By no means derogatory but quite the opposite, a rare treat. In Polyamory, which is defined as the state or practice of maintaining multiple sexual or romantic relationships simultaneously with the full knowledge and consent of all the people involved. The term unicorn is used to describe a bisexual single (it may be bisexual man or bi-curious man) who is willing to join an existing bisexual couple, often with the presumption that this bisexual person will date and become sexually involved with both members of that couple, and not demand anything or do anything which might cause problems or inconvenience to that couple.

If you have been around polyamory for some time, you have no doubt heard the terms “unicorn” and “unicorn hunters”. If you haven’t, the term unicorn also refers to a HBB or Hot Bi Babe who is ready and willing to jump into a closed threelationship with a bisexual couple and leave her poly ways behind her without contest. "Unicorn Hunters" refer to the “poor naive couple” who have come into the poly community looking for such a divine and rare creature to call their own.

The reason poly people hate unicorn hunters is that a newbie couple, not knowing where to find a bisexual woman to date with them, often turn to the polyamorous community for potential suitors. This seems like a logical way to go about things, but the trouble is that a polyamorous woman is poly for a reason. While a hot bisexual poly gal may in fact enjoy the company of a couple, she is unlikely to want to live a monogamous styled life. Again, she chose polyamory for a reason, and that reason is that she likely prefers open relationships. So, it is difficult for those bisexual couples to find unicorns. 
And click here to find a unicorn who is also looking for you easily!

Now, if the couple in question is down to have an open triad with said HBB, then things can go very well for all involved. If however, the couple insists upon a closed situation, they may be met with quite a bit of resistance, and for good reason. Even though the commonly held belief is that unicorns were ultra super rare, literally EVERY woman in a bisexual couple seeking a threesome dating is in fact technically a unicorn. Fascinating right?

The unicorn will be the girlfriend to the couple. The couple is usually considered a primary relationship, while the girlfriend will be a secondary partner to both. She isn’t allowed to do anything with one member of the triad, always with both. Though the dyad may choose to incorporate elements of the girlfriend’s life into the triad, it is not uncommon for the girlfriend to incorporate more of the dyad’s life into her own. This is the unicorn dating.

If you are a bisexual couple looking for a triad, the polyamorous community is not likely where you will find that. There may be the rare exception, but an HBB in the poly world is basically like finding a needle in a haystack, hence some online dating sites such as #1 bisexual sating site for bi singles and couples | dedicated to bisexuality have played a big role. It makes it easier for unicorn and bisexual couples to find, interact, chat and share interests with each other, and then, they can meet up each other offline.

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